Have you ever had the feeling that you forgot something? Or that you are going to forget or miss something important? Do you try to keep track of too many things in your head? I’m going to share a great technique to free yourself of the stressful build-up of keeping too many things on your mind. It’s called a mind dump.
Give yourself a full hour with no distractions (silence your cell phone; no checking email or Facebook). Sit down with a blank piece of paper and a pen, and write down everything you can possibly think of that you need, want, or have to do. Anything and everything, in any random order, as it pops into your head. You will find yourself writing as fast as you can for a solid 10-15 minutes straight, then there will be a lull. Don’t stop. You think you’re done, but you’re not done yet. Just wait, more will come, and it will keep coming in waves. This will get everything off your mind and onto paper. In fact, as you clear your mind, you may be surprised at what things you discover that you had buried deep in there! Now you can look at your list and not forget things because it’s all right there in front of you in one place. And once you have it all down on paper, you can breathe a big sigh of relief because you’ve captured all those things that were floating around inside your head and causing you stress. Now you’re free to rearrange or organize the things on your list into natural groupings to simplify the list. And from there you can devise a plan of attack.
I dare you to try it. You will be amazed by how great you will feel!
Give yourself a full hour with no distractions (silence your cell phone; no checking email or Facebook). Sit down with a blank piece of paper and a pen, and write down everything you can possibly think of that you need, want, or have to do. Anything and everything, in any random order, as it pops into your head. You will find yourself writing as fast as you can for a solid 10-15 minutes straight, then there will be a lull. Don’t stop. You think you’re done, but you’re not done yet. Just wait, more will come, and it will keep coming in waves. This will get everything off your mind and onto paper. In fact, as you clear your mind, you may be surprised at what things you discover that you had buried deep in there! Now you can look at your list and not forget things because it’s all right there in front of you in one place. And once you have it all down on paper, you can breathe a big sigh of relief because you’ve captured all those things that were floating around inside your head and causing you stress. Now you’re free to rearrange or organize the things on your list into natural groupings to simplify the list. And from there you can devise a plan of attack.
I dare you to try it. You will be amazed by how great you will feel!